Naming Ceremony
The Naming Ceremony creates a space for everyone to come together and celebrate either a birth or a special welcome into a new family from adopting parents. This Rite of Passage is unique to each and every family, as you create the ceremony to include your lives and your memories for this beautiful occasion.
- Making your own personal parent vows or promises
- Your thoughts on being parents to this wonderful baby/child
- Include Grandparents in the ceremony
- Announce the commitments to be undertaken by Godparents or other supporting adults
- Presentation of a special gift that has significance to your child
- Having ‘blessings’ read out that each guest has written themselves

It is also a wonderful idea to include members of your family in this celebration of Naming, either older children or grandparents to make this day truly wonderful. Older children or grandparents can be involved in readings, poetry or simply acting as a mentor or guardian for your child.

You may also like to choose a symbol for your Naming Ceremony, like the lighting of a candle, or the offering of a rose to each Grandparent or Guardian.
In different cultures around the world Naming Ceremonies are performed differently.
Names are important to bring good fortune.
It is important to tell your family and guests at the ceremony why you have chosen this name, and its significance.
This can be explained in the ceremony.
Naming Certificates are usually presented to the child and other special members of the family during this ceremony.
The most perfect place for your naming ceremony is at home or in your local park.
Most ceremonies take place outside, but it’s always best to have a covered area close by, in case of rain.